Please type your message and try again.Īdditionally, the Apple Help Files are very - helpful - in learning how to do something or solving a particular problem in an app. The Text Highlight Color button displays the selected color, and the mouse pointer becomes a when you umhighlight to the area of your document that contains text. Use a light highlight color if you plan to print the document by using a monochrome palette or dot-matrix printer. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page.
Use a light-toned highlight color if you plan to print the document by using a monochrome palette or printer. Just put this in ” redraws the screen and removes any search highlighting. I highlighted the “font” and the “document color” in my Notes app on my Mac, just playing around and looking at the options I have. However, I need to unhighlight some of the text I highlighted.
I highlighted multiple lines of text within a document I’m creating.